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Liberal Government not concerned about $100 million wasted

When you spend as much as the Liberals do, there will aways be waste! That was the answer the Parliamentary Secretary to the Leader of the Government gave me when I asked him about $100+ million wasted on one consultancy over a few years.

How high must the tab go before this Government cares?

Watch the answer!


Review the official Hansard transcript here.

Meanwhile the NDP continues to stand behind their dance partners when we urge their support for an in-dept study on McKinsey. The NDP thinks we should investigate EVERYONE with a contract. That would take years – time in which the McKinsey contract could sink under the waves of time and be forgotten. It is a distraction, intended to help the Liberals get out of a sticky spot.


Review the official Hansard transcript here.

Meanwhile the Parliamentary Secretary to the Leader of the Government in the House of Commons seems to be all too happy to get this underway quickly.


Read the official Hansard transcript here.