Government attacks free speech with gag order on positive oil and gas stories. Read More

Asking the Minister about Critical Minerals, Ring of Fire

I had the opportunity to question the Minister of Natural Resources, Jonathan Wilkinson, at the Natural Resources Committee on May 16.

I asked about the Minister’s huge investments in critical minerals – a sector that is a fraction of the size of the oil and gas sector, and which does not actually produce energy (critical minerals store energy that first must be generated elsewhere).

I also asked about development of the Ring of Fire in Ontario, a project that will disturb huge amounts of peat moss, and thus release 1.6 billion tonnes of CO2 into the atmosphere.

How do these strategies to supplant oil and gas actually contribute to Canada’s goals, in light of the huge investments of taxpayer funds?

Related links

More information on this Committee meeting.

Information on the Government Expenditure Plan and Main Estimates.